I'm so sorry, Sarah. Keeping you in my thoughts <3

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thanks so much Claire!

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I’m so very sorry. Thank you for the opportunity to donate. You’re a good cat mom.

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<3 <3 <3 thank you so much <3 <3 <3 (I'm going to tell Goose that the next time he gets mad when we don't let him drown his toys in the water bowl.)

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What a nightmare. I can’t imagine. I’m so glad you’re safe. That your family and Goose are safe. That you saved him. That you saved yourselves. So much love to you 🧡

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<3 <3 <3 thank you Justine! We are safe, and right now, that's a lot

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This is devastating, Sarah. I'm astonished you could find the energy to be creative and write this beautiful, moving piece. I know what you mean about not being able to take the idea of people telling you how fluffy and unserious a place L.A. is after this (or ever, really). Reminds me of the time when I first moved to Iowa City and some joker asked me, Why do they keep rebuilding New Orleans? Don't they know it's just gonna wash away? (This was after Katrina.)

When you've got a mailing address, I would love it if you'd email it to me (micahstack@gmail). Obviously, I can't replace the precious specific books you lost in the fire, but I would like to send you some new copies to keep you company.

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I will! That is so kind. I've been thinking a lot about NOLA this week--not the same situation, but similarl in the scale of devastation. And a great model of how people can carry on together. <3

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The similarities go beyond the superficial, for sure, and that sense of a community desperate to keep itself alive and visible is absolutely the case for both cities. Still, this is a tragedy all its own, deserving to be treated as the one of one that it is, I think.

I made a donation to J's work, and obviously I hope you guys have a stable address soon. If there's anything I can do to help, email me. I've set aside a number of books I hope to get to send to you soon!

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