Sitting in a coffee shop yesterday and listening to the playlist of a young man that could have been my son (had I inseminated a very tall, narrow, and attractive woman with dominant genes), I grooved to the Misfits "Hybrid Moments" and mused about having listened to Wu Tan Clan while eating a $50 entree some nights ago. I felt vindicated.
When I used to run, "Boom Clap" was the song that would get me out of bed at 4:30 am. I've been considering putting that playlist back together (and, you know, running again or at least some fast-walking around the block a few times per day), but for a much more reasonable time of day, like 7:45am, or maybe even 5 pm.
One day you wonder why one person gets to be chip girl at every meeting east of Vermont and then you read an article about her in a very popular women's magazine, I don't know!!!
Sitting in a coffee shop yesterday and listening to the playlist of a young man that could have been my son (had I inseminated a very tall, narrow, and attractive woman with dominant genes), I grooved to the Misfits "Hybrid Moments" and mused about having listened to Wu Tan Clan while eating a $50 entree some nights ago. I felt vindicated.
“Sucker” then “Break The Rules” on a commute? I am on the moon until further notice
When I used to run, "Boom Clap" was the song that would get me out of bed at 4:30 am. I've been considering putting that playlist back together (and, you know, running again or at least some fast-walking around the block a few times per day), but for a much more reasonable time of day, like 7:45am, or maybe even 5 pm.
I have a cardio playlist called Whip Crack Hand Clap which is almost entirely Charli and Princess Superstar ;)
For obvious reasons, not enough is said about the cliqueishness of AA!
big eyes emoji!
One day you wonder why one person gets to be chip girl at every meeting east of Vermont and then you read an article about her in a very popular women's magazine, I don't know!!!