the five of swords, and a line from Konrad Lorenz’s King Solomon’s Ring: “Let us admit this and not lie to ourselves that we need the dog as a protection for our house. We do need him, but not as a watch-dog. I, at least in dreary foreign towns, have certainly stood in need of my dog's company and I have derived, from the mere fact of his existence, a great sense of inward security, such as one finds in a childhood memory or in the prospect of the scenery of one's own home country, for me the Blue Danube, for you the White Cliffs of Dover.”
the aleatory
If you only knew the battles your dog fought for you every day. If you only knew the way your dog guards your dreams. If you only knew what the squirrels were saying about you. But the cats won’t let you be slandered. (Not to your face.) If you only knew how much conflict raced around you. Sometimes, if you think too hard about your heart, it can freak you out. What commitment, to beat forever. (Well, until.)
the assignment
Let your next conflict evolve into a story.
writing prompt
Let the dog write the poem today.
a chune
“Cat” by Hiroshi Suzuki
credits: small spells tarot deck by Rachel Howe
King Solomon’s Ring by Konrad Lorenz
Cat by Hiroshi Suzuki
Dear diary, now that I don’t look at my phone for the first few hours of the day, I can suddenly read again. God. I missed it. x Sarah